Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"What a beautiful face I have found in this place that is circling all 'round the sun..."

Title quotation provided by Neutral Milk Hotel, 'In The Aeroplane Over the Sea.' I am such a hipster.

Speaking of hipsters, a fellow blogger who holds a special place in my heart recently posted an entry about hipsters and how he never really understood and/or accepted their(our?) culture. I consider myself a pseudo-hipster, but still. What's wrong with going "against the grain?" Being an individual is a personal choice, like being a gentleman or disliking prunes. Maybe I'm just arguing for the sake of argument(aka, I couldn't think of anything else to blog about), but what's there to not understand? Hipsters tend to be pretentious, like weird music nobody's ever heard of, wear Convers/Dr. Martens, and tend to shop at Oxfam and Salvation army. I categorize myself under most of those. Also, if you want to voice your opinion on how you don't like football or how Abercrombie and Fitch is annoying(which they ARE), it's a free country! People can speak their minds here, right?

Signing off.

P.S. It is a myth that most hipsters are unemployed and live off of their parent's trust funds.

P.P.S. If you don't really know what a hipster is, I encourage you to follow this link. It's generally accurate, even though it is Urban Dictionary.


1 comment:

  1. That urbandictionary atricle seems a little.. biased to me, but that could just be from my own eyes.
    There is nothing "new" or cutting edge about chucks. They've been around since the turn of the century. And I mean the 20th one. And they were athletic shoes then.
    Nothing's wrong with not liking football, but mocking it is just as stupid as mocking anything else. If a football player mocked literary magazines and poetry as much as the staff on those magazines and poets mock them, how would they be viewed?
    And it IS indeed a free country, so why can't the other side of the coin be shown, too?
