Monday, May 31, 2010


I was listening to my iPod(hence the mainstream lyric title) and chatting with peoples on Facebook, when I had this epiphany.

Girls can be bitches.

I mean, think about it! Boys tend to whine about their problems(and, believe it or not, the amount of time they beat each other up about these is very low), but girls are catty. Girls spread rumors. Girls break hearts.

I know I shouldn't really be saying this considering I don't exactly have an extra chromosome of my own, but it's true! I myself have been bitchy to so-called "friends" and a she-douche to an old boyfriend or two, so I would know!

So, girls, have you done something mean to someone that you never pictured yourself doing? And guys, have you been hurt by a girl?

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Do you ever get the feeling that you just want to go away? I mean, you don't necessarily need a reason, but that urgent feeling where you just want to pack your knapsack and leave and never come back. That's been happening to me a lot lately. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going anywhere, but to have the freedom of just getting up and going would be nice. Nobody to stop you from leaving your cell phone and iPod and housekey and running away to some shady corner of the woods where no one can find you.

I had a dream about that a couple nights ago, actually. I don't remember exactly how it went, but I'll try to recall it as best I can.

I was sitting in my bedroom, and my window was open. I saw a ladder going down from it, but I couldn't see where it went. I went down, and I was in a really big clearing in the woods. I remember just lying down and feeling content as can be. I woke up right after that, but afterwards I couldn't shake the feeling that I just wanted to climb some ladder into someplace nobody knew but me.


Signing off.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Crosswords and Dickens and Pacman, oh my!

So here I am. In my school's library(which is actually kind of crappy.) Im blogging, doing a crossword, watching my boyfriend and a buddy of his play Pacman, and waiting for my mom to send me my English homework. I don't have a functioning printer at home, so whatever projects I need to type up for homework I just write at home, e-mail to myself, and then print the following morning before class. However, for some reason it didn't work this morning so my MOTHER had to try sending it to me, which didn't work again. I asked her to copy and paste it into an e-mail and try that, but in the meantime here I am.


Signing off

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"What a beautiful face I have found in this place that is circling all 'round the sun..."

Title quotation provided by Neutral Milk Hotel, 'In The Aeroplane Over the Sea.' I am such a hipster.

Speaking of hipsters, a fellow blogger who holds a special place in my heart recently posted an entry about hipsters and how he never really understood and/or accepted their(our?) culture. I consider myself a pseudo-hipster, but still. What's wrong with going "against the grain?" Being an individual is a personal choice, like being a gentleman or disliking prunes. Maybe I'm just arguing for the sake of argument(aka, I couldn't think of anything else to blog about), but what's there to not understand? Hipsters tend to be pretentious, like weird music nobody's ever heard of, wear Convers/Dr. Martens, and tend to shop at Oxfam and Salvation army. I categorize myself under most of those. Also, if you want to voice your opinion on how you don't like football or how Abercrombie and Fitch is annoying(which they ARE), it's a free country! People can speak their minds here, right?

Signing off.

P.S. It is a myth that most hipsters are unemployed and live off of their parent's trust funds.

P.P.S. If you don't really know what a hipster is, I encourage you to follow this link. It's generally accurate, even though it is Urban Dictionary.