Sunday, May 23, 2010


Do you ever get the feeling that you just want to go away? I mean, you don't necessarily need a reason, but that urgent feeling where you just want to pack your knapsack and leave and never come back. That's been happening to me a lot lately. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going anywhere, but to have the freedom of just getting up and going would be nice. Nobody to stop you from leaving your cell phone and iPod and housekey and running away to some shady corner of the woods where no one can find you.

I had a dream about that a couple nights ago, actually. I don't remember exactly how it went, but I'll try to recall it as best I can.

I was sitting in my bedroom, and my window was open. I saw a ladder going down from it, but I couldn't see where it went. I went down, and I was in a really big clearing in the woods. I remember just lying down and feeling content as can be. I woke up right after that, but afterwards I couldn't shake the feeling that I just wanted to climb some ladder into someplace nobody knew but me.


Signing off.

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