Sunday, June 27, 2010

(Untitled Story) Part Two

Rehearsal didn't go as awfully as I had thought, which was a relief. Phineas and I tried to make it through 'Love Duet' without cracking up, and failed. This resulted in scornful looks from Vida and Mrs. Cuff, but we didn't mind. They stopped scaring us long ago.

After rehearsal ended, Nora and I decided to crash Phineas's house and chill for a while. What's great about Finny's house is that he always has a well-stocked fridge. I guess it's an Irish thing. For about two hours, we just sat in his basement and talked, accompanied by some leftover lemon bars and herbal teas At about 7:00 pm, we got up and left. As Nora and I pulled into my driveway, we noticed something odd. My mom's car wasn't in the driveway.

"Where's your mom?" asked Nora. In my mind, I was asking the same question.
"Maybe she's out grocery shopping or something. Want to come in for a bit? I don't like being home alone."

I hated lying to her. It's not that I don't like being home alone, I just needed something to distract me from that dark, pressing feeling in my gut that always foreshadowed something terrible. I have a knack for predicting things. Helpful at times, but there are some occasions when it's not such a party.

After watching Dr. Horrible in my basement, we decided to go back up to my room and assemble possible outfits for my Lookbook. I lent her some of my clothes and she lent me some of hers(We're best friends. It's how we work.) At about 10:45, Nora said she had to go home. We were both getting tired anyhow. Before going to bed myself, I looked out of my window to see if my mom had returned. Her car was nowhere to be found.

Melinda Alice, stop being so negative. She probably just got held up at the office or something. And maybe her phone died. Or she lost it. Or something. Just go to bed.

Seeing as I can't say no to my own conscience, I changed into my PJ's, shut off the lights and crawled into bed.

As soon as I wake up the next morning, I smelled something heavenly coming from our kitchen. I panicked immediately. What is going on? I thought to myself. Mom can't cook! The closest thing to an actual breakfast that she made was leftover pizza we stuck in the microwave for a bit. Sketchy...

I crept downstairs to check it out, and sure enough my mother was making my favourite- frittata with vegetables and virgin strawberry daquiris. I knew something was up.

"Special occasion?" I asked, trying my hardest not to look skeptical as I watched her flip the egg delights with surprising expertise.
"No, not necessarily. Sit down, honey. I have something to tell you."

I obliged. She set a breakfast plate in front of me, and said:


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